What is Certificate to Foreign Government?
The Certificate to Foreign Government (CFG) is an official certificate issued by the FDA upon request for the export of products regulated by the FDA, including human drugs, animal drugs, medical devices, biological products, and animal feed that can be legally marketed in the United States. (CFSAN, CDRH, CBER).
Export companies are often asked by foreign governments or importers to provide “ an FDA Certificate to Foreign Government” for products regulated by the FDA. The CFG certificate includes the regulatory information and marketing status about a certain product.
For more information about export certification for food products, biologics and medical devices, please contact the appropriate office based on the type of certification and product type
blood and blood products, allergenics, tissues, vaccines, cellular therapies and gene therapies. Also, Medical devices related to the testing, processing and collection of licensed blood, blood components, cellular products and HIV test and monitor kits.
Online System:
Biologics Export Certification Application and Tracking System (BECATS)
FDA Division:
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)
Office of Communication,Outreach and Development (OCOD) (HFM-40)
Contact person:
Kimberly Cressotti
301-827-6201, 800-835-4709, 240-402-8010
10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 71, Rm. 3128
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002
medical devices from kidney dialysis machines to thermometers and electronic products that emit radiation such as microwave.
Online System:
CDRH Export Certification Application and Tracking System (CECATS)
FDA Department:
Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH)
Division of Industry and Consumer Education (DICE) -
Contact person:
Leila Lawrence
(240) 276-0132, (800) 638-2041
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20993
conventional foods, food additives, food contact substances, infant formula, and seafood.
Online System:
CFSAN Export Certification Application and Tracking System (CFSAN eCATS)
FDA Department:
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN)
5001 Campus Drive, HFS-009
College Park, MD 20740-3835
CFG documents received online
Simply upload your CFG digital file, you will receive by FedEx your document processed with an apostille.
Processing time
- expedited service
- No need to ship your document.
- Billing is available.
- Credit card payment is OK.
- US Department of State fee is included.
- No need for the US Dept. of State form.
- Track your history and spending online.